Talking Career Fulfillment, Connection, and Listening to Your Voice on The Flower Podcast

I sat in my usual podcast recording spot (my closet!) with my earbuds in, a blanket on my lap, and sparkling water in a mason jar next to me. I was ready to talk to Scott, host of The Flower Podcast. Florists are near and dear to me. You may not know this, but I used to be a wedding planner and, a year into my business, I decided to add floral design as a service.

That meant I had a lot of learning to do!

All I knew about floral design was that flowers are beautiful and I loved the idea of creating some of the physical beauty of the wedding. I clearly needed a long-term crash course in all things floral design.

The local floral community welcomed me in! A florist invited me over for tea, another let me tag along on some weddings, another talked to me about balancing motherhood with being a floral designer, another became my teacher. Those relationships, conversations, and women continue to inspire me.

So, I was thrilled to be a guest on The Flower Podcast!

Florist or not, you’ll get something from this episode. Scott and I talked about career fulfillment, the paradox of my approach to career, having boundaries, the importance of connection, and more. So given the chance to be on The Flower Podcast, I said yes! Here are three snippets:

  • The only voice that really matters is your own

  • Unplug to stay connected to yourself

  • There’s a difference between identifying with what we do and who we are

Give it a listen then let me know what you think in the comments! Listen here. You can also find the episode on iTunes and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Photo of me at one of my last weddings by Heather Nash Photography.

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