Six Month Group Coaching
Love the heck out of career and life!
For creative business owners ready for more fulfillment & connection in career and life
How long have you been waiting and wanting?
How long have you been wanting more fulfillment in your career? More connection with your truest self? More unbridled joy? More progress that feels right in your bones? Maybe it’s been a month, 6 months, or 6 years. Don’t let any more days pass without taking action for a career and life you love the heck out of. I want to help you get from a space of wanting a change to finally creating what you’ve been after. I want to help you land in a sweet spot in your career and life.
We’ll build on the what’s already in you and the power of a group experience to confidently create a life with more fulfillment. It starts with making the choice to finally make the change. You’re on the cusp, let’s jump.
My clients have…
Confidently created their ideal career
Smashed their income goals in less than six months
Left careers that didn’t fulfill them
Felt set free
Created space to offer new services that inspired them and served their clients
Manifested side gigs exactly as they envisioned them
Felt more relaxed, at peace, and sure of their next move
Learned to make decisions aligned with their core